Mushroom cultivation has been done from 45 years but still only 3 variety of mushroom is grown and we rely on traditional method. Nepal, harnesses near about 10 exotic species among, which only 7 species (Agaricus bisporus, Lentinus sajor-caju, Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus ostreatus var. florida, Lentinula edodes, Ganoderma lucidum, Calocybe indica) are common. There is no high technique used for commercial cultivation in Nepal. Even the edible indigenous mushroom have not been genetically identified. Some simple techniques need to be adapted based on our environment applying certain experiments. In Nepal, the substrates for production of seeds, spawns and cultivating materials are also limited. Shitake being suitable for cultivating in Nepalese environment some farmers have been growing in natural logs it but due to its limitation in seasonal growth and hard to get logs cultivation has been difficult. We are trying to grow them in artificial logs so that cultivation can be done throughout the year uplifting the economic status and establishment of more biotech industries.
To know more about the mushroom we produce go to our Products section
This research work is being conducted in collaboration between RARA Biotech Pvt. Ltd and Mush Nepal Pvt. Ltd since past few months exploring different aspects of mushroom research. Our research aims to bridge gap between research and business. This research will provide standard value for future generations both researchers as well as farmers as a base for further work in nutrient value analysis, their identification and uplifting economic condition via commercial production of wild edible mushrooms of Nepal.
Mahesh Adhikari, Ph.D (Mushroom Expert, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology)
Suman Maharjan (Founder, Mush Nepal Pvt.Ltd)
Team members:
Sumeena Karki (Project leader and Researcher)
Apshara Parajuli (Scientific Researcher)
Deepa Rai, Dipa Ghimire and Suru Buda Magar ( Btech in Biotechnology, AITM, Thesis students)